Rated 2 out of
PLXTina from
Used to love it but...
I have been using Press'n Seal for a little over a year. It has worked beautifully and I haven't bought traditional plastic wrap since making the switch. Unfortunately, the last 2 times I have purchased a new box, both from Costco, the cutting blade didn't functional well at all. Instead of making a nice clean cut, the edges are ragged if it will cut at all which has resulted in wasting a good portion of the product. I wrote the first bad box off as a fluke but the new package I recently purchased is doing the same, and much worse. I doubt I will buy again. I love the product but I have to be able to get it out of the packaging reliably!
Date published: 2024-09-09
Rated 2 out of
Star70 from
I bought press`n seal this again cause i realky like it. Its been about a minth ago i used it several times but i got so aggravated try to cut the thing. It fell off not much glue holding the cutter in place. I have to rob one off a empty box foil i was throwing. It worked, i glued and stapled a metal one on there. Come On Press`n seal DO BETTER..PUT A METAL ONE ON THAT BOX . IT CUTS THAT PLASTIC THING YALL PUT ON THERE DON'T.
Date published: 2024-09-02
Rated 3 out of
Marcela from
Dispensing issue leave disappointed
This is my third time trying this product and I love the functionality of this plastic wrap but what I hate is that the dispenser always seems to give out before I finish using the product. The serrated plastic either dulls from use or teeth break and i’m left with half of an used product and having get the scissors out to cut a piece. Very inconvenient. I love the product and would use it more if it wasn’t so frustrating.
Date published: 2024-08-30
Rated 3 out of
Love Hate from
Love the Press n Seal! Hate the box!
Love the Press n Seal! Hate the box!!! I’ve been waiting for about a year now to finish up the box I had because I assumed (Incorrectly apparently) the box design would be corrected by the time I purchased a new box. But unfortunately, not true.
Date published: 2024-06-25
Rated 1 out of
nam24 from
Poor Packaging
I bought Press'nseal and while I like the product, I am very disappointed with packaging. The box it came in is flimsy and the serrated cutting edge doesn't cut property, The box is not stable enough to support the cutting edge.
Good product, but poorly designed packaging.
Date published: 2024-06-20
Rated 5 out of
larysak1 from
Leftover saviour
It’s not a secret that you can save your leftovers for later by simply sealing it with the Glad cling film. It’s tear resistant, very good quality of adhesiveness and easy to use.
Date published: 2024-06-10
Rated 4 out of
Jahana from
Zipper ineffective
The plastic zipper strip does not work and I end up stretching the plastic sheet into odd shapes. Please put a metal zipper like with foil provides.
Date published: 2024-06-09
Rated 1 out of
Pccccc from
Why change the box
Why, why, why do you insist on giving consumers solutions they don't need for problems we don't have. Your new press and seal wrap BOX SUCKS!!!@!@
Date published: 2024-06-05
Rated 2 out of
Tina71 from
I used to love this wrap but...
I've been buying this for years and have loved it. Until now! They must have changed the packaging because the last 3 times I've bought it the cutting mechanism doesn't work well and I find I have to rip it to get it off. It didn't used to be this difficult. It now is messy and frustrating to use.
Date published: 2024-06-01
Rated 2 out of
roscoe from
I love the wrap, but the box cutter is TERRIBLE!!!
I am fairly certain that this product used to have a metal serrated edge for cutting the film when it was pulled to length. Now it is plastic and it will absolutely not cut clean as it did before. Maybe it used to be on the main body of the box and not the hinged lid? I just know that it doesn't cut the way it used to. I love the product itself, but whichever corporate twit got a bonus for saving the company money on the box design needs to be sent back to the factory for quality control training.
Date published: 2024-05-31
Rated 1 out of
CDinKS from
Great product; horrible packaging
It looks like people, even some who left 4 star reviews, are all complaining about how terrible the packaging of this product is. You would think that after all the months of these reviews complaining about the packaging, Glad would change it. Well, nice thought, but apparently not happening. The product is pretty goood for sealing foods and dishes, but I have never gotten a box that lasted through the whole roll. The plastic peices on the ends come out; the cardboard flap that has the cutter on it bends; and the cutter gets dull or something and stops cutting, so you pull some out and then make a terrible mess trying to cut it off. I’m going to simply stop using it and go back to regular plastic wrap after I use up the roll I have. I’m just done fighting with it. You would think that the people who come up with these good products would be able to design a box that actually holds up and works well (i.e., properly cuts the wrap) through the use of the entire roll. I have plastic wrap that has a little plastic cutter that you just pull across the wrap and it cuts it very nicely. HInt,hint.
Date published: 2024-05-28
Rated 5 out of
atlove from
Best seals for your kitchen !
Glad Press'Seal is simply the best ! It is very versatile and must have item in your kitchen !! My Family use it to cover pretty much everything from a tray of cookies to 1/2 of a lemon ! It's very easy to use just like the plastic wrap but it's thicker !!!
Date published: 2024-05-27
Rated 5 out of
Lois from
I have been using Press nSeal since in came out,
Last month I bought a new box of Press n seal and it is a mess there is no end to pull I tried using a Knife to tear off with no success/ I will return it to Walmart to get an other one but just wanted to let you know
Date published: 2024-05-16
Rated 5 out of
bobcat57 from
Love Press N Seal
This is the best product for sealing anything that doesn't have a lid. I have many items that doesn't have a lid. Sometimes I like to cover my drinking glass and don't want it to spill out in the fridge or a salad bowl it works great. So glad for GLAD Press N Seal to come up with this product. Thank you
Date published: 2024-05-04
Rated 5 out of
zaireb1125 from
Ultimate Freshness
Finally found a cling wrap that stays out and is easy to use. My food was completely covered and it didn’t spill or come undone on the sides. Strong quality!
Date published: 2024-04-27
Rated 4 out of
Micky from
Great Product with flaws
Glad Press and Seal is nearly perfect. The film itself clings better than anything on the market. My problem is that it is nearly impossible to pull the film off the roller without the white plastic guides coming loose and flying across the kitchen. Sure you can reinstall them but the problem continues. There has to be an improvement. The single reason I wouldn’t purchase Glad Press and Seal is the frustration trying to just get a sheet out of the box. Ugh!
Date published: 2024-04-25
Rated 2 out of
Anonymous from
Can't cut it!!!
I've been trying to use this for months. It is SUCH a pain in the posterior!!!!! The plastic teeth won't cut the wrap! I end up having to use scissors and that's ridiculous and annoying. I couldn't return it because I couldn't remember where I got it. I KNOW it's worked before...never looked at the cutting teeth to see if they were plastic, though. So either the design changed and it is now seriously flawed or I just got a bad one. I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to buy...because I have an almost new one to throw out and I need plastic wrap.
Date published: 2024-04-21
Rated 5 out of
rap25 from
Works good
I really like this press and seal cling film. It is so much easier to use than the plastic wrap. You just tear off what you need and place it over your item such as a bowl and it seals around it. You can remove and replace it with ease.
Date published: 2024-04-09
Rated 5 out of
virgoflowers from
Very useful for food save
Actually stays sealed, even on produce!! The cling film is so helpful when storing leftover fresh fruits or veggies, versatile for container coverage too!
Date published: 2024-03-24
Rated 1 out of
dmam from
I love your product, but it never cuts properly and the cutter is always falling off.
Date published: 2024-03-09
Rated 5 out of
rsf6850 from
Using PressNSeal to PAINT!
I love PressNSeal (PNS) for daily use and have used it for years. We are re-doing a bedroom and were at a loss how to properly paint the wall close to the carpet without getting paint on the carpet. I tore 4" strips of PNS and tucked it down into the space between the wall and the carpet (see pics). I overlapped the strips all the way around the room. Two coats of paint later.... beautiful!
Date published: 2024-03-08
Rated 5 out of
rebeccagaa7d from
Fabulous cling!
Glad press n seal is amazing and so easy to use! You simply tear off what you need, a fix it to the bowl or container, seal the rim and there you have it. It prevents leaks and works so well!
Date published: 2024-03-05
Rated 1 out of
Carol23 from
Cutting Blade is Terrible - cannot use producct
Great product. They changed something and now the cutting blade does NOT work. Initially thought I might have done something to the blade. I have been buying this years. Every package I buy, the cutting edge does NOT work. This makes the product UNUSABLE!!!!! Waste of money to have a product that you cannot use. Shame on you Glad!!!!!
Date published: 2024-02-09
Rated 4 out of
JoeB from
Works great, lots of uses
Our family has used this product for a lot of different things from container wrap to rapping my leg to shower after a knee replacement! For such a great product, why, Why, WHY would you put such a cheap cutter on the box?? Big head scratcher!
Date published: 2024-01-31
Rated 5 out of
xobri_25 from
This product has become a staple in my kitchen! It's amazing to preserve leftovers or to cover fruits and veggies where only a portion was used. I'm obsessed!
Date published: 2024-01-29
Rated 1 out of
Mad1953 from
Terrible dispenser
I’ve been using this product for years without a problem. Six months ago I bought what I thought was just a “bad” box and after continuously having to fight with it and go through the frustration I threw the partial used box in the trash! With the holidays coming I decided to try again and purchased another box. Well, same thing…..the cutter does not work and now I’ve wasted about 20 ft trying to get a decent 2 ft dispensed and cut. With the prices what they are I don’t want to have to roll it out on my counter and attempt to cut it with a pair of scissors. Sadly, I will no longer buy or recommend this product again. I have included a photo showing the batch number.
Date published: 2024-01-29
Rated 5 out of
yerelia22 from
Works really good!!!!!!!!
Works really good, very durable, gets the job done!
My number 1 go too! Have been using for a while now, and has never let me down! I’ll keep using this!
Date published: 2024-01-26
Rated 2 out of
lorideedee from
All of a Sudden this product is awful!
I have used Press’NSeal for years, but the last two 100 sq feet boxes seem to have a flimsy Plastic cutting strip which just tears & shreds the wrap, I have wasted a lot of product, & that I have used has ends which look as if it has been chewed by someone with faulty dentures! Has this been done to save money, if so, you have lost a long time customer. Very sad one cannot count on a long time product to remain dependable.
Date published: 2024-01-23
Rated 5 out of
eydimarp from
film role☝🏻
The best role paper to cover food or whatever you want, I use it for hair more than anything, super cheap, durable, lots of it, easy if I use it, it has the small one as a knife to cut what you are going to use, I always buy this resistant one, it molds to any shape and For those who do not like to use aluminum a lot, this is also suitable for covering toppers without a lid
Date published: 2024-01-22
Rated 5 out of
Tommy England from
Love the Winter Edition
First of all, this GLAD has many talented people, it shows in the detail. The packaging is well designed with consideration of the user. GLAD is always ahead of the competition. I came across their latest inovative "Winter Edition". The PressNSeal has a beautiful winter scenery illustration with snowman, snow flakes, firn cones on a sky blue background. The art work was so nice I decided to use the film to wrap all my Christmas presents. It was so easy to wrap my gifts... the bonus is you don't need any tape, the film stick to its-self. In fact I did my own art work on the film with different designs for my family. Oh, by the way, I'm still buying the standard GALD film for all my food container wraps. Can't wait to see the other Editions (Summer, Autumn, Commemorative, Space, the list goes on).
Date published: 2024-01-19